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I love the Olympics! The stories, the athletes, the events, all of it! It’s as inspiring as it is entertaining. The athletes work incredibly hard to compete at that level, and while it’s work, they are leaning into talents that come naturally to them. Which got me thinking – what if we focused on our…
Read MoreLast night I got to witness something magical. That moment when someone puts a stake in the ground, takes the leap, does the thing, and puts themselves out there. It was AWESOME! Nancy is a fellow real estate agent and amazing friend. She’s got a knack for telling stories and weaving in reminders that life…
Read MoreI’ve been in full creative mode this week as I work on new classes and masterminds for the Fall. And in true fashion – I fell into the cycle that many do when they are creating something new: This is awesome This is hard This is crap I am crap This might be okay This…
Read MoreSummer vacation starts today in our house. Woohoo! I appreciate the structure of the school year, but I also welcome the shift that comes with the boys being out of school. Schedules change, the weather is better and life feels more relaxed. Shifts are a beautiful opportunity to check in on what’s working, what’s not…
Read MoreThis week was the completion of my Dad’s journey. He passed away on Monday. This is my last picture with him. So many of you have been on this journey with me through conversations and my Facebook posts. Your comments, kindness and words of support have meant the world. Thank you for showing up for…
Read MoreAs I child I used to think: Being an adult must be great, they always know what to do and say. I’ve been an adult for a while now, and – I still don’t always know what to do or say. Doubt, fear, and uncertainty pop up on a regular basis. For years I assumed…
Read MoreJust in case you needed a reminder… You are Amazing You are Enough You are Worthy Let that be your mantra going into this weekend and see what unfolds. The world shows up as a mirror to our beliefs. What does your world look like and what do you experience when these are your core…
Read MoreWow! This showed up for me big time with week. It’s been a week of highs and lows all rolled into one. On Wednesday, I hosted over 80 agents for a class on Articulating Your Value. It’s something I really struggled with early in my career. Over time I’ve gone from dreading the conversation to…
Read MoreIt’s been a busy week prepping for my upcoming Articulating Your Value class. After 28 years in real estate I’ve had more than a few ‘why should we hire you’ and ‘why should we pay you’ conversations. In prepping for the class, I’ve also talked to a lot of agents, owners and managers to see…
Read MoreEver have those moments when your well laid out plans and carefully crafted intentions get knocked off track? The seller who half way through prepping their house decides it’s not the right time to move. The buyer who writes 3 offers that don’t get accepted and then gets a new job – out of state.…
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